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Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 2 ⁄ Topic: Ecosystem Services ⁄ Project Ideas


Does the internet’s physical global infrastructure directly (or at least indirectly) benefit from any ecosystem services? Can it? How?


  1. Evan Roth, “Internet Landscapes
  2. Trevor Paglen, “Deep Web Dive
  3. Gustavo Romano’s “Madonna, Water Maps, & Botannical Gardens” essay (from Net Art Latino Database)
    • Building off the idea of “technological determinism” (the internet attention economy as the market which decides what content survives and what disappears forever)…
    • “The digital medium makes no allowance for marking the passage of time… either it’s here or it’s gone.” … Can these digital cultural assets be sustained by making sure the internet itself is built on a sustainable infrastructure?
  4. Niklas Roy, “Pneumatic Computing – Flop or Future?


  1. Mapping
    • Map the major cables/hubs of internet infrastructure across the world
    • Map the ecosystems in these areas and the accompanying local services in use
    • Identify matching supplies and demands among these two global systems
    • Present maps/diagrams visualizing how the services would interact at a local level
      • For an audience of internet users most-likely oblivious to its physical infrastructure and to the concept and complexity of ecosystem services
  2. Research
    • Learn what comprises the internet’s physical infrastructure
      • What natural resources does it demand?
        • How are these resources sustained through ecosystem services in other systems?
      • How does it connect to the power grid / other infrastructures?
      • How does one come up with / discover new ecosystem services that can be taken advantage of?
      • Present this research as raw documentation
        • For an audience of internet users most-likely oblivious to its physical infrastructure and to the concept and complexity of ecosystem services
  3. “Design fiction”
    • Inspired by Niklas Roy’s project above, the proposed question can be: how can the internet infrastructure be restructured to incorporate existing ecosystem services?
    • Learn what comprises the internet’s physical infrastructure and identify alternatives involving existing ecosystem services
    • Presentation can be in the form of a video, a series of images (photoshopped, CG, illustrations)
      • For an audience of internet users most-likely oblivious to its physical infrastructure and to the concept and complexity of ecosystem services



1 thought on “Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 2 ⁄ Topic: Ecosystem Services ⁄ Project Ideas

  1. cool. while schematic, i *think* i see what you ar eup to, nice and chunky project. one of the things about Roy’ work is his user group – so diverse. great to think with. and if you do an “I > Thou” project, what’s in it for users / learners? is there something you can do that enlists people to think about utilizing their ecosystems excess instead of the S.O.P.s for internet support systems?

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