Yall creeps do your best
Why debate my lucid states
remember the time
– Kimheche, https://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=27
When approaching this assignment I tried thinking of ways various aspects of the internet could be preserved more effectively. One major issue when it comes to archiving the web is the difficulty of preserving the context / ecosystem within which a certain digital artifact originally existed in and interacted with. I had this issue in mind while experimenting with different ways of preserving text on the internet.
I thought about how a web page’s UI is usually secondary in importance to the main content of a web page, but still contributes to the experience of the content however subtle. Most UI stuff is made up of images though, so in an effort to focus on text for this assignment I started thinking about discussion forums, which also heavily relies on web UIs or interactive visual interfaces via voting systems, parent-child reply hierarchies, user ids, timestamps, etc.
So I ended up attempting to explore what could be uncovered from all of the information nested in craigslist’s “literary & writing” forum if reorganized in different ways.
I chose craigslist because it’s always trafficking a good amount of daily user-generated text-based content, it’s freely available, and isn’t “securing” most of this content behind layers of back-end complexity, if at all.
For this assignment I focused on the first two pages of discussions in this forum:
I noticed there aren’t that many unique users — this is mostly a small group of regulars who spend enough time here to have developed somewhat of an inside culture (this is what I gathered from simply not being able to understand many of the posts while other users seemed to without issue). I decided it would be interesting to analyze the posts of a single user, so I chose the most prolific poster “Kimheche.”
First I tried scraping all this user’s posts manually without success, so for time’s sake I copypasted all thier posts from the first 2 pages manually into a “Kimheche.txt” file:
We one Remember. I think I knew what you meant though. I'm glad you took my advice.
Oh man Ernie and d74 are the best you can do. You realise I don't even look at these posts right. Clutter. What's to debate?
See you Give me some good stuff next time. This is supposed to be a writers forum.
Clever girl And you are asking, besides that you already gave me the finger. "The sun is the same in a relative way though your older." Pink Floyd
Try to rely on adversarial processes In a little more appropriate fashion. And try not to dwell on being called creeps.
You creeps will be ok Just wait next time.
The vanquished know not the vanguard You at least are intellectually consistent in your missaproriations of various states. Self symmetry across scale, but yall blew the threshold by way of misinterpetation. Self interpretation perhaps. You may have missed something. I know you were trying to fix the plumbing, by way of... Doesn't work and didn't, paradoxically it brought undue attention to your devices. Lucky for you the overall appeal was not congruent with your intention. We did learn some things though didn't we. Neon gods by your hand didn't match the prayers by the hand of human. Faith and now agency reside. Your sabotage circumvented, amount to a paradigm shift beyond your desire, your attempt at compulsion, your duress. You did it to youreselves. Though all this has been digitized, it does not compute. How's that golden library. You couldn't see the carbon through the fire, and all you have is smoke.
Hey you been drinking with lucid? §
I'm not averse to self correction Though it's just one potential. Androgeny faciltates far more productive states that tend to be definitive for this version of time you speak of. Relativity being the arch that you rely upon runs parallel, though does not propel. You run static. There is a reason why Relativity was locked away in a singularity. You take an enormous risk with your contrivance. You shouldn't equivocate your desire for self preservation with collateral damage. You speak this when you write "we're the river"
See red rabbits This is why your a creep
Hey someone does understand The misappropriation I speak of. By the way, there's a reason why duress does not apply. I'm charging, the consolidation of your productive energies to be converted by my efforts. Uncle neb need not apply unless he wants a fight. Portal defies your contrivance, that's a universe thing.
Hey there you are Where's lucid
You seem to have the same problem With staying on topic. Do you two know eachother?
Coopt the nope §
Denial being your chief benefit The compartmentalization of belief systems to be drawn upon at your convenience. You may want to fix that.
Polyfulcrum §
Saints §
Wolves §
Radio §
Tech §
Buttons §
Sabotage §
Generations of novice activity Unepuipped, misappropriation of dissasociative states.
Problems Yall got em.
I encourage An iteration. Though you may want to consider initial conditions, beyond the minimal scope of the various psyche states you have perpetuated, for a very long time.
Yep Still me.
There's a when For solutions. It's a good thing I know how.
Puzzle piece §
You do realize That there is a congruency to these posts, I'm certain they can be found in word association. Do you remember the beginning of this experience, it's been mapped througout and if an attempt to reverse engineer were initiated I wonder where it would lead. Consider wikileaks and the devices that were revealed. There is a reason why I have confined myself to this forum lately. Is panic your catalyst? Hold steady, resist the urges of paranoia. Your initial attempt at a larger sabotage has been circumvented. There has been an enormous sigh of relief and the beehive breaths on. I'm certain they will do their best not to resent yall. Me, I'm just saying, it's about time someone made yall sweat, I'll endure. Babel on tower, reconsider your construct and the means by which you attempt to achieve them. Not everyone is on your side. Consider inspired processes vs the best of what faction has to offer thus far. And try not to be Jerks to eachother. Refine your egalitarian construct, I think we all agree it's a valid next if applied vacant of your desire or duress.
And while you dwell upon this. I'll prioritise solutions.
Metallurgy §
Loud pipes, engines revved §
Stone soup Boiling water, steam. Fire, wood, ashes, smoke. Conversion. Effort. Someone had to carry the water, provide the kettle, bring the wood. Who lit the fire and what was found. What will be revealed.
It's not as if the stones are unimportant, good for casting. David against goliath. What's the foundation? Inverted fulcrum? Strange attractors. relativity?
This has gone beyond the scope of script, it's not about knowledge of, more like how. Can't force this, that would be a missapropriation, though you tried.
There's a reason why I got this. Yall shouldn't have tried to force this. A risk was taken against a question who's dynamics you were not inclined to consider. You panicked. I panic sometimes to though it's not the same.
What will he do? What can he say? Thirteen stones perhaps, relativity ground to powder by way of faction each blinded by the other and themselves. Fertile soil. How and when? Though it's possible yall found a reason to cooperate. There is a group out there who know the value of reconciliation, they have been charging this whole time. Oral and written history, unafraid, undaunted in the face of enormous odds. Primus action that you cannot reach, though I'm certain you have caught your glimpses and are compelled to co opt a spirit that will not consent to your avarice.
You sound bitter I would be too, if I weren't me. This is fun.
Try to remember Your married.
There she Ms Mrs duplicity, lucid. It appears though you are the big guns in this forum, or everyone else is sleeping, night.
Do you remember That summary I spoke to you of the gunslinger Eddie and Susannah?
My point is Yall blew the threshold. Like dealers you tried to push the relativism of your position while ignoring or attempting to corral its opposite. Your supposed to be the visionaries, turns you need spectacles.
English lady You sound like redrabbits.
Listen mther At least red rabbits took responsibility. There's dead beat mom's out there to you know, in a wyrd way.
There are many things that concern me. Tension of opposites, polarity and the ideas of continuity. At least you didn't say respect, doesn't sound right coming from you.
Once again implied. And it shows you have been paying attention. Who would have a need for your misguidance unless there was a desire from someone for someone to circumvent or expose it. Telemetry is a virtue. While your Joyce blew the hoist, I remain intact.
Are you drunk? It's not saturday.
Off topic lucid Your supposed to be a wyzard of smart. Didn't you say you were enlightened, though you still utilize novice practices, in the process of debate. You been here the whole time lady and you still don't know me. There is an index of your progressive... Previous posts you know, though I'm not certain it represents progress. Vodka today or wine.
Yep §
Sorry cheeba I knew better than to ask. That would have made me part of it, open to misappropriation. That isn't what this is about. Though to apply this to the future I will do my best to be far more gentle with those whose spirits need protecting. Thank you cheeba, you've been solid as a rock for this quantum bit.
I would be upset too If I weren't a human being and comprehending of what could have been. LE SIGH. The vanquished know not the vanguard.
Maybe not but you try To circumvent uncomfortable realities.
Well this is encouraging I'm being asked to keep silent. Chalk it up to growing pains and I might get through this thing alive. Perhaps. Believe me lucid as duplicitous as you are you'll be ok. And so will I.
Didn't call you a liar §
I remember your posts from way back And I may have watched you fall on your ass. Your right, you do have people looking out for you. Though they aren't all that quick to pick you up.
How many people Have you missapropriated.
I won't call you a liar. But you know of what I speak.
You are right about that Though Im not blind. And there's that word again, unfortunate. When are you going to integrate personalities?
Try not to dwell in that It's express of your means.
As if your work is done Your goodbye wouldn't be valid, I couldn't accept negation for something I've shouldered with and now without shelter. Can you accept a static state or do you still need to clear the rest. You have unfinished business. Your the one who consented to a half ass job.
That implies That I was Misguided in the first place. Took you a moment to address the wyrdness. Fractured
Paradoxically consistent with your methodology.
Your not my mom wyrdo. §
For all you creeps If you were half as crude as you are, and a bit more articulate, you might get somewhere. You may even learn a thing or two about circumventing foregone conclusions. You may even get that revolution you been striving for, though it's nothing I would subscribe to. Me I prefer renaissance. As for the people in the real world, they got stuff to do. How's your ratings by the way. You run into conflict with the accounting dept. Oh wait I forget wherever you all are at there's a rash of fraud and theft. Are you judging me, or are you judging your failures. Say hi to Hollywood for me.
I'm trying to be humble But I think I'll save it for the people that reside in the real world, utterly subject to the malignancies of faceless nameless cowards such as yourselves. I know where your at and I know how to find you. I remember not your faces but your various states. I know the value of truce, I just don't apply it in the face of odds akin to David and goliath. You've been legit after a fashion, and this experience is not without it's symmetry. The pen is mightier than the sword, I will confine my efforts to debate and countering the bullshit. If your not careful you might just see the fleece you pulled over your own eyes. Someone said debate safe, I say there hasn't been a debate until now. How's that parallel Hillary reality working for you?
I know I said something about a last post But I have to set the record straight. Not once did you lay out even one aspect of fractal dynamics. Yours sounded more like...? And by the way the best abstraction out there from the wizards of smart is hieddingers cat. Hardly relatable unless one was inclined to be cruel to animals. Me i like cats, and if i see some creep trying to prove another creeps theory right, that cats gonna get a chance to prove some string theory. Which hasnt quite worked out, has it. Tangibles and intangibles. Feel free to correct me. By the way, trees circulate vitals without the benefit of a pump. Try not to ponder subjective truths without first recognizing objective realities.
You did mention Scale and symmetry. Getting warmer. I remember you antibatman, from last year. I think we met. How's the pharmdude, I'll call him al.
Bout time Someone spoke some sense. Though I think students understand gravity in different forms. Consider the way virtue adheres to organic processes. People respond to authenticity even if its off or on or both at the same time. Beyond the scope of ideologies there lies a threshold. You may know the vangaurd without knowing it.
At this point I thought it would be interesting to use the RiTa library in Processing to find all the most frequent words used and make a haiku out of them that could be an archetypal representation of this user’s persona in this community.
The (incomplete) Processing code thus far:
import rita.*;
import java.util.Map; //for hashmap
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
//String testStr = "dog dog cat tree horse tree dog";
//String[] testWords = split(testStr,' ');
String[] sentences;
String[] words;
LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> wordCounts = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>(); //"key" = String.... "value" = Integer
LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> frequentWords = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> wordSyllables = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
String line1 = " "; // = "This is the first line"; //5
String line2 = " "; // = "Haikus are tough to create"; //7
String line3 = " "; // = "Save the best for last"; //5
Boolean isLine1Done = false;
Boolean isLine2Done = false;
Boolean isLine3Done = false;
void setup() {
makeHaiku(); //find five 1 syllable words and add them to a string
void draw() {
void loadText(String url) {
String[] lines = loadStrings(url);
String allText = join(lines, " ");
sentences = RiTa.splitSentences(allText);
words = split(allText, ' ');
void removePunctuation(String[] w){
for(int i = 0; i < w.length; i++){
w[i] = w[i].replace(".", "");
w[i] = w[i].replace("?", "");
w[i] = w[i].replace(",", "");
w[i] = w[i].replace("!", "");
w[i] = w[i].replace(""", "");
void countWordFrequency(String[] strArr){
for(int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++){
if(i > 0){
if (wordCounts.containsKey(strArr[i])) { //if the current word already exists in hashmap
wordCounts.put(strArr[i], wordCounts.get(strArr[i])+1); //++ the integer value for this word in the hashmap
} else {
wordCounts.put(strArr[i],1); //if this is a new word
} else {
wordCounts.put(strArr[i], 1);
//for (Map.Entry me : wordCounts.entrySet()) {
// print(me.getKey() + " = ");
// print(me.getValue());
// println("..");
void getMostFrequentHashes(LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> _wordCounts){
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> me : _wordCounts.entrySet()) {
if( me.getValue() > 3){
frequentWords.put(me.getKey(), me.getValue());
//for (Map.Entry me : frequentWords.entrySet()) {
// print(me.getKey() + " = ");
// print(me.getValue());
// println("..");
void getSyllables(LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> _frequentWords){
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> me : _frequentWords.entrySet()) {
String syllables = RiTa.getSyllables(me.getKey());
String[] syllabledParts = split(syllables, '/');
int numSyllables = syllabledParts.length;
wordSyllables.put(me.getKey(), numSyllables);
for (Map.Entry me : wordSyllables.entrySet()) {
print(me.getKey() + " = ");
void makeHaiku(){
//line 1
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> me : wordSyllables.entrySet()) {
if(me.getValue() == 1){ //if this word is 1 syllable
line1 += me.getKey(); //add it to this line
line1 += " ";
String[] lineCounter = split(line1, " ");
if(lineCounter.length == 5){
isLine1Done = true;
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> me : wordSyllables.entrySet()) {
if(me.getValue() == 1){ //if this word is 1 syllable
line2 += me.getKey(); //add it to this line
line2 += " ";
String[] lineCounter = split(line2, " ");
if(lineCounter.length == 7){
isLine2Done = true;
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> me : wordSyllables.entrySet()) {
if(me.getValue() == 1){ //if this word is 1 syllable
line3 += me.getKey(); //add it to this line
line3 += " ";
String[] lineCounter = split(line3, " ");
if(lineCounter.length == 5){
isLine3Done = true;
void searchByPOS(String posPattern) {
//Take the pattern sentence and find its POS
String[] pos = RiTa.getPosTags(posPattern);
String posString = join(pos, "-");
//Go through our annotated text and look for that pattern
for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i ++) {
This program doesn’t yet spit out a haiku but it does
- Split the entire text into individual words
- Count each word’s frequency
- Takes the top 100ish most frequently used words and determines how many syllables they each consist of
The words sorted by frequency:
And finally Kimheche’s haiku (done manually by me, for now):
Yall creeps do your best
Why debate my lucid states
remember the time