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Detourning the Web | Assignment 2: AirBnb Experiences, pt 1

For the list capture assignment I’ve chosen the Experiences section of the AirBnb website:

This section utilizes an infinite scrolling feature, fetching 40 items each time the bottom of the page is hit. In order to programmatically capture all elements I found the specific fetch request in the inspector panel:

which looks something like this:§ion_offset=7&items_offset=120&recommendation_item_cursor=&refinement_paths[]=/experiences&last_search_session_id=&federated_search_session_id=a86f985a-7bac-46e4-8cfe-0e1988808c5a&screen_size=large&_intents=p1&key=d306zoyjsyarp7ifhu67rjxn52tv0t20¤cy=USD&locale=en

In this url the `items_offset` var is iterated by 40 each time the bottom of the page is hit, so iterating this in python would allow me to fetch all items:

import requests

def get_page(_offset):
	url = "§ion_offset=3&items_offset=" + str(_offset) + "&recommendation_item_cursor=&refinement_paths[]=/experiences&query=&last_search_session_id=&federated_search_session_id=320016fd-d09c-48c0-b7ed-2786432d35fb&screen_size=large&_intents=p1&key=d306zoyjsyarp7ifhu67rjxn52tv0t20¤cy=USD&locale=en"
	responses = requests.get(url).json()
	return responses

offset = 0
while offset <= 280: #280

	#add all results from this json pull to results var
	results = get_page(offset)
	items = results['explore_tabs'][0]['sections'][0]['trip_templates']
	for item in items:
		print item['title'].encode('utf-8')
		print item['kicker_text'].encode('utf-8')
		print item['country'].encode('utf-8')
		print item['picture']['large_ro']
		print item['star_rating']
		print item['lat']
		print item['lng']
		print 'n'

	#update offset
	offset = offset + 40

In the above script I printed the following items from each Experience post:

  • title: “Paris’ Best Kept Secrets Tour”
  • kicker_text: “history walk ยท Paris”
  • country: “France”
  • picture: “”
  • star_rating: 5.0
  • lat: 48.8674018702
  • lng: 2.32934203089

I piped these results to a .txt file via the command line:

python > output.txt

The full output.txt can be seen here.

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