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Category: 2017 spring
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Subtraction ⁄ Week 14
At home I have a small aquarium with a bio-filtration system I made using a mason jar and some airline tubing:
A biofilter cleans the aquarium water by having it travel through these small plastic or ceramic pellets aka filter medium (in this case ceramic), which provide ideal conditions for bacteria-eating microorganisms to flourish and eat the bacteria out of the water flowing through. My current filter setup is attached on one end to a pump inside the aquarium, pumping the aquarium water into the bottom of the jar, where the water rises through the filter medium and out through another tube at the top, back into the aquarium:
I want to rebuild this filter:
- to make it look like a home product by a mock internet infrastructure technology service called “EcoNet” that I’m working on
- to optimize the filtration process (it’s not very good at the moment) by designing separate chambers into the piece, enabling more thorough filtration and more controlled ability to measure / quantify water purity
I was initially opposed to building this because I need the material to be clear transparent, but since I couldn’t find proper recycled materials I figured the best I could do at the moment is use virgin plastic even though ultimately I’d like to avoid hypocritically using such materials to make products for projects that advocate environmental awareness. So although this is to be a finished, functioning filter, I consider it a prototype for a final version made possibly of glass or recycled/reclaimed materials.
So I picked out a 12″x18″ sheet of 1/8″ clear colorless acrylic and another of 1/4″. My design for the 1/8″ sheet is as follows (the smaller square is the bottom piece, the larger the lid):
For the 1/4″ sheet (the overlaying rectangles are pockets— I’m cutting two of the filter’s walls out of the 1/4″ sheet so that I have space to add pockets to carve out a few ledges to delimit the chambers with screens (I’m going to design or pick out the screens at a later time, the only requirements are that they don’t float and are semi-flexible so they can be placed inside):
I designed in the rounded legs as a place to screw the piece down while cutting.
I also bought a 1/4″ hard plastic bit from McMaster Carr.
I started cutting the 1/8″ acrylic sheet, but hadn’t realized they’d be loose after just the first cut. This caused some cracked corners. I should have used the laser cutter for these pieces, so I ended up cutting the top and bottom squares on the laser cutter:
I also then added the product logo to the front face:
For the 1/4″ acrylic sheet, I made sure I cut small portions and ran the machine at a faster speed:
Pocket depth (less than half of ~0.25″ total thickness):
The sheet:
Second issue: I’d forgotten to set the pocket depth to negative, took me a good long while to figure this out:
This time the machine was correctly making multiple passes, which allowed me to see the position of the legs after a few:
So I paused the machine and carefully screwed them in:
But on the other face, the screw cracked the plastic:
It turns out the pockets were too deep, as the sheet was warped / not completely flat:
So I screwed down the center of the sheet and tried again with a new Z-origin:
I broke my bit by confusing the Y and Z axis controls at fast tracking speed, but thankfully I’d just finished 🙂
With all my parts cut, the next step is to drill the holes for the water entry and exit ducts. First some practice drills:
Then the real thing:
Both ducts drilled and tube adapters inserted:
Now to attach the faces. Since this container is to be filled with water, I need hermetically sealed corners. For this I used silicone aquarium sealant:
Taped the front face into position:
Added my first strip of sealant:
Placed the side face, making sure it was 90° and added some more strips of sealant:
Placed the bottom and the other side faces, used the throwaway square cutout to prop the faces at 90º:
Then taped down the back face:
Added sealant to the sides of the other faces:
And secured it into position:
This sealant needs to cure overnight.
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Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 13 ⁄ EcoNet Progress
I went back to Pacific Aquarium and bought 3 silvertip tetras. Although the tank says “RARE,” silvertips along with other tetras are very common aquarium fish. They’re labeled as rare because they don’t breed in large numbers, but they aren’t rare in the wild. They’re native to the Amazon so the water shouldn’t drop below 70°F. They’re somewhat aggressive, and they school together. They’re omnivores, so regular fish food will be fine but can be given occasional larvae or other small creatures:
The food and water primers (I used spring water, then inserted the prime and stability a few hours before introducing the fish):
Acclimating to the temperature:
Supplies purchased for the filtration system. A water pump, mason jar, airline tubing, ceramic biofilter medium (little ceramic blocks that house bacteria feeding organisms as water travels through) and aquarium sealant caulk which was used to seal the holes I drilled into the lid of the mason jar for the airline tubing:
The pump pumps water into the tube that introduces the water into the bottom of the jar. Then the water rises through the filter medium and back out through an exit tube at the lid:
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Subtraction ⁄ Week 11 ⁄ 3D on the 4-Axis
I made a copy of the bit that kept going missing (after it was found) 🙂
First iteration — I designed in the tabs but they were too long and thin, so I ended up going back to make them just over .5in in length and a bit wider, removed the tab at the back of the bit, then manually added margins to the tip and the back and removed the side margins:
Final iteration with fixed tabs — the tip took hours to figure out, it’s a combination of a stretched cone, a cone with parts subtracted from it, and a custom shape extruded upward then distorted into a helix:
Cut a 7″ piece of poplar:
After very carefully removing the shape from the block on the band saw and sanding:
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Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 12 ⁄ EcoNet Progress
I went back to Pacific Aquarium & Plant and spoke with an employee about what I should include in my tank and how to go about my first steps. He insisted that I don’t buy fish just yet, that I have my tank set up before doing so. I made sure that I left with something so I had him help me pick out easy to maintain plants that would inhabit freshwater at room temperature. An anubias plant:
Java moss (in the black container):
Gravel as substrate (gravel is easier for planting than sand, it holds the roots down much more easily):
2.5 gallon tank, washed:
Substrate rinsed and put into the tank:
Planted anubias and moss and filled with bottled water (room temperature, not refrigerated) from the grocery store:
The moss is held down with with a couple pebbles which probably won’t be sufficient once a pump system introduces current.I will probably have to replant as shown in this video:
Plants also need light. I knew I would go with an LED fixture because they produce far less energy and are generally cheaper. Lighting aquatic plants seems fairly complicated though:
“When concerned with supporting photosynthetic aquatic life, hobbyists should look for PAR values of LED fixtures. PAR or Photosynthetically Active Radiation designates a spectral range of light that photosynthetic organisms utilize during photosynthesis. Keep in mind that PAR values vary at different depths and distances from the LED light source. In other words, the same LED fixture will have multiple PAR values capable of supporting different species with different light requirements. Due to the relatively complex nature of expressing PAR levels and a lack of standardization, not all manufactures will provide PAR information the same way. To determine which LED aquarium light fixture is right for you, please refer to our handy LED Lighting Comparison Guide.” [1]
Since my tank is small and doesn’t require too much light, I used the abundance of LEDs I have at home to make my own fixture, adding a potentiometer so I could experiment with various colors and brightness over time. Daylight (more reds):
Night (more blues):
Next steps:
- Pump (not required right away but would be nice to have)
- Filter: could start with a DIY biofilter, similar to the ones they had bobbing around in some of the tanks at the store
Eventually I want to build out a custom filtration system in a way that will facilitate easy/accessible, automated water content observation/measurement.
- Water testing kits
- ammonia test kit
- nitrate test kit
- co2 test kit
- thermometer
- Finally introduce a fish or two: possibly a small school of guppies or similar micro fish, but not a betta in case another fish is to be added later on.
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Data Art ⁄ Assignment 3
A friend of mine is a lighting artist. Last week I had the chance to go see one of his works in person:
It consists of three suspended rings with moving light mechanisms projecting out from the insides of the rings. To me this piece was the epitome of the “technological sublime” in that in the sense that Lev Manovich’s contemporary, Toby Miller, describes as the merging of the sublime and the beautiful:
A smoke machine was pumping a steady stream of fog into the room so that the lights would project visible rays across space. I began considering how I might be able to apply this use of light in 3d space to a visualization of the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) satellite data I’d began working on, which displays each satellite’s apogee and perigee around a circle, with visual similarities to the light installation:
This visual also incorporates an interface to let the viewer explore different aspects of the dataset:
Similar to the Museum of Natural History’s The Known Universe visual tour of space, my intent with this visualization has been just to enable exploration of the vast physical scale the data describes. Of course there are countless other visualizations using this same data, I think that’s because it’s a quintessential example for a dataset describing something that’s beyond our capacity to see, while also describing the physicality of a system which just so happen to be really easy to visualize due to its near-perfect geometries with abundant data to describe it. But I think satellites are also pretty loaded with symbolism for modern-day communication issues around surveillance, privacy, and censorship as they are essentially cameras and communication devices looking down at us from high up in the sky, far beyond our reach and control. They can see us, we can’t see them.
Bringing this visualization into tangible space could help make this spacial understanding a little more accurate.
How will this be different from slapping on a Google Cardboard with Google Earth, or going to the planetarium?
1 ) Looking at the data again
The NORAD satellite data is recorded in the form of a TLE:
1 16U 58002A 17102.55134124 -.00000137 +00000-0 -16915-3 0 9996
2 16 034.2628 269.3658 2028494 018.9069 347.6942 10.48649171336856 is a free, publicly accessible API that can serve this data as json:
"ORDINAL": "1",
"NORAD_CAT_ID": "16",
"INTLDES": "58002A",
"EPOCH": "2017-04-12 13:13:55",
"MEAN_MOTION": "10.48649171",
"ECCENTRICITY": "0.2028494",
"INCLINATION": "34.2628",
"RA_OF_ASC_NODE": "269.3658",
"ARG_OF_PERICENTER": "18.9069",
"MEAN_ANOMALY": "347.6942",
"ELEMENT_SET_NO": "999",
"REV_AT_EPOCH": "33685",
"BSTAR": "-0.00016915",
"MEAN_MOTION_DOT": "-1.37e-06",
"FILE": "2165150",
"TLE_LINE1": "1 16U 58002A 17102.55134124 -.00000137 +00000-0 -16915-3 0 9996",
"TLE_LINE2": "2 16 034.2628 269.3658 2028494 018.9069 347.6942 10.48649171336856",
"OBJECT_ID": "1958-002A",
"SEMIMAJOR_AXIS": "8816.882",
"PERIOD": "137.319",
"APOGEE": "4227.246",
"PERIGEE": "650.247"
2 ) Mapping possible interactions
- Zoom
- View mode
- 2d (side-by-side comparison)
- 3d (geographically accurate)
- Panoptic view (entire visualization and Earth scaled down in the space)
- “Real” location view (show satellites positioned directly above viewer in real-time)
- Sort
- Chronologically (launch date)
- OBJECT_NAME (alphabetically)
- Apogee altitude
- Perigee altitude
- Filter
- Function
- Military / surveillance
- Communication
- Navigation
- Science
- Engineering
- Unknown / junk
- Time period (of launch)
- Decade
- Year
- OBJECT_ID numerical value (i.e. 1999-002ABC)
- OBJECT_ID letter value (i.e. 1999-002ABC)
- Object type
- Rocket body (junk?)
- Debris
- Payload (carrying humans or cargo)
- Source / ownership
- Function
3 ) Map out the space
- What kind of space?
- Enclosed and climate controlled (in order to house fog and proper darkness)
- Publicly accessible, able to be inhabited by multiple viewers but with 1 user at any given moment
- How will users interact?
- Gesture?
- Portable controller?
- Stationary controller?
- Smartphone app?
- What will the light/projection mechanisms look like, how will they fit in the space?
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Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 10 ⁄ EcoNet Planning
1) Establish container which houses a simple ecosystem that generates toxic ammonia (which is produced by fish waste, excess food, decaying organic matter)
- Aquarium setup
- tank (<5 gallon to start)
- Water pump
- Biofilter (“A biological filter will convert toxic ammonia (from your fishes’ waste, excess food, decaying or dying plant mater, and dead fish) into Nitrite, and toxic Nitrite into Nitrate… Nitrate will also contribute to algae growth. Biological filtration occurs as the water passes over any surface that the bacteria processing the waste can grow on.”)
- Biotic matter
- Plants TBD
- Fish? TBD
- Abiotic matter
- Rocks, sand, dirt, water…
- Measuring tools:
- Colorimeter (“to determine the concentration of colored compounds in solution”)
- Thermomter
- Test kits (see step 3 below)
2) Use a biofilter to convert ammonia into nitrate
3) Measure nitrate levels with colorimeter; nitrate/ammonia/ph levels mapped to internet speed
Automatic colorimetric aquarium monitors exist and would relay data to computer, but are brand new, expensive, not accessible enough yet:
Manual process:
I spoke to someone who used to own an aquarium with a few different species of fish, and she claimed that maintenance only consisted of changing a filter inside a motorized pump and periodic tank cleaning. In terms of data collection, the following quantifiable elements are possible:
- Salinity/TDS (with TDS meter)
- pH (with pH test kit)
- Oxygen (with oxygen test kit)
- CO2 (with test kit)
- Carbonate Hardness (with test kit)
- Calcium (with test kit)
- Ammonia (test kit)
- Potassium (test kit)
- Temperature (thermometer)
4) Feed data into internet speed visualization
Currently don’t know of a way to gauge my internet speed considering time/money/technical feasibility constraints, so my options are:
- Consider possibilities of browser plugins to map some aspect of web browsing experience to aquarium data
- Feed data into a mock browsing speed visualization, possibly modeled after popular interface:
I can incorporate geographic ecological data and internet submarine cable infrastructure into this visualization.
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Subtraction ⁄ Week 10 ⁄ 4-Axis Mill
I designed a two-finger ring with a flat top surface for engraving/writing/drawing/sticking things onto. It’s designed to fit my middle and ring fingers.
I began with a quick planning phase on paper:
Completed the Vectorworks design in under 30 minutes. I placed the design in the desired position and orientation relative to the origin point even though that’s to be done in the CAM software:
I went and purchased some poplar from Metropolitan Lumber in SoHo. I was told poplar was the next best thing from pine, and I think it looks great for the price. The minimum purchasing length was 8′, so that’s what I got, at 4″ width and 1.75″ thickness:
I cut a 6″ slice to work with:
I had trouble orienting the design so that the tabs would appear on the correct axis… or rather, the material’s proportions were somehow off. As you can see in the image below, two of the tabs don’t appear to be attached to surrounding material. Note that I also lied to the CAM software by an inconsequential .27″ of the material’s X width:
I decided to move forward anyway. What the cut would look like:
After installing the 1/4″ round-tip end mill, I was ready to start cutting:
It took 5-10 minutes just to reach the material surface:
The poplar seemed to be cutting pretty nicely:
Beginning the other side:
I think the tabs failed to do their job? They were either too thin, or there weren’t enough of them? Maybe the two of them that appeared not to attach to anything in the CAM software were actually not attached to anything?
The backside of the piece is completely sliced off… the top surface of the ring should protrude from the finger slot portion by .25″:
The first side came out perfectly:
Although a failure, this was of course a productive learning experience. I’m still unsure what exactly went wrong, but in the future I think I can mitigate such issues by considering the how the tabs work when designing the piece.
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Temporary Expert ⁄ Week 8 ⁄ Revisiting Project Idea
I’ve been stuck with where I wanted to go with this project. I’m not completely satisfied with the original project idea involving creating ads for an internet service of the future because I’ve been wanting to explore the use of physical systems (rather than purely social), a la Hans Haacke or Tim Hawkinson, to not only transform the “viewer” into “user” but to do so in a physically participatory way. I spent a lot of time brainstorming in a way similar to my daily practice routine. Stepping away from the computer screen, standing up and drawing stream-of-consciousness style was a helpful way to get myself out of this rut:
So my idea is to build a laptop cooling system that will change fan speed based on various quantifiable parts of a desktop aquarium ecosystem that I will put together, as an attempt to map my computer’s performance to the health of an ecosystem. I’ll methodically document the entire process, perhaps daily, in the form of a blog.
This system will serve to symbolize a microcosm of our larger urban infrastructure, highlighting the manufactured disconnect we’ve imposed on ourselves through it. Many thinkers, including Donna Harraway, Tim Morton, Zizek, etc, over at least the past several decades have criticized the “nature”/man-made duality, yet I feel like this psychological disconnect is still prevalent which I think leads to a sense of powerlessness over this distant “nature”. With this project I aim to obfuscate this duality and illustrate the level of agency at the hands of each individual.
A rough sketch of the concept:
The cooling pad (containing a fan or two) will be connected to my computer for power and data transfer via usb. The tank will also either have sensors transferring data to my computer via usb or I will manually observe and quantify data points by hand. Some potential measurable aspects: light, water purity, # species, water temp, growth rate… I will try to generate as much biodiversity as I can within the aquarium, but am thinking of sticking mostly to corals and underwater plant life with as few fish or animated creatures as possible for simplicity’s sake.
This successfully acts as a physical system for which I’m an active part of and it’s both conceptually sound and feasible enough that I’m comfortable moving forward with it. Although the final output won’t be participatory/interactive as documentation in the form of a blog, the act of blogging should add a performative element to the work, immersing viewers throughout the process in a somewhat time-sensitive format. This also opens me up to documenting in different ways, like maybe live streaming an IP cam into the aquarium. One concern is monetary constraints, as building an aquarium is not cheap. Another is where to install: I’m always moving around from place to place, and so I might only be able to monitor/participate with this system for so many hours a day. I also need to consider that I’ll have a bunch of living things in my hands by the time I’m finished. When will I be finished?
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Subtraction ⁄ Week 8 ⁄ Lathe Assignment: Foosball Player
For this assignment I planned to stick with the generic design provided:
I started off with the other half of the firewood block I’d used for the first lathe cut (the one on the right):
I first cut the block into a cylinder with a diameter matching the max width of the piece (1 1/4″). Then I penciled off the various parts and cut:
Finished lathe cut:
The ends cut off using the band saw:
At this point I realized I should have drilled the required screw and bar holes before finishing on the lathe, so instead I’d have to use the drill press. I was initially going to mount the piece for drilling like so:
But the wood was very soft, so in order to clamp it tight enough to keep it in place I’d end up compressing it and drilling an oblong ellipse. So instead I used the v-block with some cardboard support underneath:
I eyed the position of the screw holes and drilled them the same way:
After this I shaped the “kicker” at the sanding belt:
And finally sanded the whole piece: